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On-Premise Customers: Self-Service Portal
On-Premise Customers: Self-Service Portal

Start a conversation with us using the In-App Messenger on our Cloud platform.

Updated over 2 months ago

Why the Cloud Messenger for On-Premise Customers?

We aim to have the Messenger/Chatbot provide a self-service portal to:

  • Simplify all interaction; act as a single channel for all our customer communication

  • A single place to raise feature requests, report defects, as How To questions etc.

  • Receive product news and have access to the latest Release Notes Messenger/Chatbot Access + Login

Prerequisite: An existing User account on the Cloud service is required for our On-Premise customers/users.

Whenever you need to ask a question, report an issue, share feedback, then all you need to do is, login to this cloud account, and access the Messenger/Chatbot. Alternatively you can send an email to [email protected].

Prerequisite: Create an account on Cloud service

Note: You only need to create one account for your organization. Within the portal you can invite further users to give them access.

Messenger/Chatbot - Self-Service Portal

IF you have a User account created on the Cloud instance, then login, and open the Messenger/Chatbot in the bottom right corner.

  1. Go to and login with your Cloud account

While you can still reach out to us sending an email to [email protected], using the portal messenger is a more convenient and a faster way to get the answers you need.

After logging into the Cloud platform you can access the Messenger/Chatbot in the bottom right corner. Click on the icon to open the Messenger.

Messenger/Chatbot appears in the bottom right corner for Admins and PI Admin Users. Messenger/Conversational Support Toolbar


Fast access to:

  • Start a conversation

  • Help Articles

Messages / Tickets

Find ongoing and past conversations. Ask us any question, provide us feedback or if you believe there is a bug, report a Problem Ticket.

To learn more about how to use messages and tickets, please check out the In-App Support (Messenger) article


Latest product news, highlight features and release notes (COMING SOON)


Access to our Help Articles (including this one πŸ˜€)

Invite other Users

If you wish you can invite more users inside your organization to have access to the Cloud In-App Messenger/Chat support (self-service portal).

  1. Navigate to Users

  2. Click Create New User

    Create New User button in the RTE Cockpit.

  3. Add Email address, provide the name and set the role

    Create New User page in RTE Cockpit.

  4. Press Save

IMPORTANT: To be able to access the Messenger/ChatBot, the new User must given either the PI Admin or Admin Role (even in this Cloud instance that you are creating them in).

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