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Archive a PI session
Updated over 4 months ago

There is the ability to archive a PI session. This allows you to cleanup the list of available sessions to choose for users in the app (and also to admins in the RTE cockpit).

  • Archiving a session stops the sync with the ALM tool (you can start the sync at anytime after un-archiving)

  • An archived session can be un-archived

  • Archived sessions can still be accessed in the app (but they are hidden by default)

Archiving a session

Hover over the action menu in the cockpit (PI Planning sessions) and choose “Archive“.

Un-archiving a session

  1. Make sure that you checked the “Show archived sessions“ box on the PI Planning sessions page in the cockpit

  2. Scroll to the session you want to un-archive

  3. Select “Unarchive“ in the drop-down action menu

Showing archived sessions in the cockpit

Check the box “Show archived sessions“ on the PI Plannings page in the cockpit. The archived sessions will be displayed in the list (grayed out). You can still edit an archived session as you would normally.

Accessing an archived PI session

  1. In check the box "Show archived sessions"

  2. Archived sessions will appear greyed out in the list. You can open such a session by clicking on the name

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