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#3 Team Boards
Updated over a week ago

Team Board Overview

  • Every Team participating in the PI session will have their own Team Board

  • The Sticky Notes that you will configure to originate on the Team Board thus are to be Team specific

  • All 4x Sticky functions/types are available to be configured on the Team Board

  • Teams can manage their Capacity Load + Allocation, Dependencies, Team Risks, Features (from the ART Backlog Board) and Team PI Objectives on the Team Board

Team Board Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts or Hotkeys

  • Team Board: 4

  • Next/Previous Team Board: Shift ^ 4

Team Board General Settings

(with no ALM Connection)

General settings on the #3 Team Board with no ALM Sync

Checkbox: Allow to move stickies between Team Boards; check this checkbox if you want Teams to have the ability to move Sticky Notes to other Team Boards. Disclaimer: generally not recommended especially if you have mature agile teams.

Configuring Sticky Notes that originate on the Team Board

Configuring the Sticky Notes that Teams will available for Teams to use for the PI session

Infographic illustrating the default set of Sticky Note types that will display when Preparing a new PI session

Team Board Lightning Round

Q: What types of Sticky Notes need to originate on the #3 Team Board?

A: Team-level type Sticky Notes like User Story, Enabler Story, Tech Debt/Maintenance, Kanban Task, Defect, etc. Basically those types of work items that appear in the team-level backlog.

Q: What is the difference between the Sticky function: Work Item vs. Dependency vs. Risk vs. Note?

A: Distinguishing between the different Sticky functions is important as these different types of Sticky Notes provide slightly different behaviors to align to the activity that happens during the PI.

Q: Is it good practice to +Add another sticky type in addition to the default configuration in the screenshot above?

A: Yes, absolutely. We encourage you to rename Sticky Note types, or add additional types of Sticky Notes to the Team Board configuration. For example, Team Coaches want the ability to add a Sticky Note to facilitate the PI:

  • Click the green button +Add a new Sticky type, and name it Coach Sync

  • Select the appropriate color from the Color pallet or add in HTML color code

  • Select the Sticky function = Note (from the dropdown)

  • Optional: Select the ability to Mirror this Coach Sync Sticky type to the ART Planning Board.

  • Click Save

Move vs. Mirror: Action Toolbar Options to Master


All Sticky Types that are configured on the Team Board will originate on this board. This is an important concept to master, it is referred to as the Origin Boards. For all Sticky Types configured on the Team Board, you can configure if Teams should be allowed to visualize (Mirror) the Sticky type on another Board via the Mirroring menu action.

Sticky notes that have the Dependency Sticky function, are by default set to be mirrored to the ART or Solution Planning Boards. We figure, that since [significant] dependencies involve cross-Team or cross-ART coordination, then they will typically need to be visualized (mirrored) onto the ART Planning Board for the program-level stakeholders.

Mirroring allows Sticky Notes that originate on the Team Board to be instantly displayed on other Boards (ART Planning or Solution Planning Boards) as necessary; allowing for information to flow with minimal co-ordination effort.


If you check the general setting checkbox, teams will be able to Move Stickies from one Team Board to another Team Board.

Important: Sticky Note Functions

Please remember that the Dependency and Risk sticky functions have special attributes and behaviors in to facilitate crucial conversations.

Team Board Sticky Note functions

Sticky function determines how the sticky notes will behave on the Team Board

Refer to this article on Sticky Functions for a more comprehensive understanding of the four different Sticky Functions, but for now keep the following information top of mind when configuring the Sticky Types on the Team Board:

  • Work Item: Story Points, Status and ALM Key (sync with ALM too)

  • Dependency: Requesting and Receiving Team

  • Risk: ROAM

  • Notes: Just like a good old physical sticky note, with Emojis for upvoting


The Dependency sticky function is a meta-sticky; it facilitates a very simple but powerful way to collaborate and align on a dependency between Teams. Dependency sticky types are not designed to sync to an ALM tool.

Visualize them on the ART Planning Board or Solution Planning Board by selecting the appropriate mirroring setting accordingly.

Impacts on the Team Board with an ALM sync

When using an ALM Connection (Sync) in a PI Session, there will be some additional General Settings for the Team Board. These are generally:

  • Forbid users to delete sticky notes that are synchronized with <ALM tool>

  • Move Sticky Note to the backlog when not scheduled into an Iteration

Jira ALM Connection - Team Board - General Settings

  • Prevent users from deleting Sticky Notes that are synchronized with Jira

  • Move a Sticky Note (User Story) to the Jira Backlog when it is in an Iteration

Team Board General Settings with Jira ALM Connection

Azure DevOps ALM Connection - Team Board - General Settings

  • Prevent users from deleting Sticky Notes that are synchronized with ADO

Rally Software ALM Connection - Team Board - General Settings

  • Prevent users from deleting Sticky Notes that are synchronized with Rally

  • Move a Sticky Note (User Story) to the Backlog when it is in an Iteration


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