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#5 ART Backlog Board
Updated over 2 months ago

The ART Backlog Board servers two main uses in PI planning:

  1. Input in to PI Planning that include the highest priority Features for the ART PI Backlog.

  2. One of the primary outputs from a successful PI Planning event highlighting Feature delivery, Feature dependencies among Teams, and relevant milestones.

ART Backlog Board Overview

  • Each ART participating in the PI Session has their own ART Backlog Board which contains the relevant ART level work items (i.e. Feature, Enabler, etc.) for the PI

  • In a Solution Train PI session you can toggle between the different ART Backlog Boards via the top navigation.

  • The ART Backlog Board sticky notes are prioritized by WSJF

  • ART Backlog Board items can be assigned to Teams, and use colors to visually represent Features that are assigned (Taken) or unassigned

  • Visualize and manage the planned Features/Enablers, the team assignment, and the execution status from the ART Backlog Board

ART Backlog Board General Setting

(with no ALM sync)

Check this checkbox, if you wish to have the sticky notes (Feature/Enabler) on the ART Backlog Board automatically mirrored to the corresponding Team's Team Board when the team is assigned.

Configure Sticky Types for the ART Backlog Board

Two Sticky types - Feature and Enabler - are configured by default on the ART Backlog Board. Edit the Sticky type (Name), Color/s, Sticky function and Mirroring options as needed.

#5 ART Backlog Board Sticky types when there is no ALM Connection


Sticky Type Name

Give your Sticky Type a name


Sticky Type Color

Choose a color for the Sticky Type


Taken Color

Choose a color for the Sticky Type when a sticky note of that type is assigned to a team.


Select an appropriate Sticky Function


Configure onto which other Boards the Sticky Type can be mirrored (visualized)


Add Sticky Type

Add another Sticky Type

ART Backlog Board Settings

By default an ART level work item is mirrored to the ART Planning Board as soon as you assign the sticky note to the team.
By checking the box, a sticky note will automatically be mirrored to the Team Board as soon it gets assigned to a team.

Impacts on the ART Backlog Board config with an ALM sync

When using an ALM Connection (Sync) in a PI Session, there will be some additional Settings for the ART Backlog Board.


Forbid to delete sticky notes

Check this box in case you want to prevent a Jira issue deletion by accident. Then, the only way to delete a sticky is by deleting the corresponding issue in your ALM-tool.

Forbid edit WSJF in

Check this box in case you do not want to allow users to edit the WSJF value in The field can only be changed in your ALM tool.

ALM Connection Config

Select your ALM-Tool Connection for further configuration guidelines in case you sync your PI session with your ALM-tool.

Jira ALM Connection

When you are setting up a PI Session for one ART, then check out the guidelines for an ART setup.
In case you setup a PI Session for multiple ARTs, hence a Solution Train, then check out the guidelines for a Solution Train Setup.

Solution Train Setup

Azure DevOps ALM Connection

When you are setting up a PI Session for one ART, then check out the guidelines for an ART setup.
In case you setup a PI Session for multiple ARTs, hence a Solution Train, then check out the guidelines for a Solution Train Setup.

Solution Train Setup

Rally ALM Connection

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