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#5 ART Backlog Board
Updated over a week ago

The ART Backlog Board servers two main uses in PI planning:

  1. Input in to PI planning that include the highest priority Features for the ART Backlog.

  2. One of the primary outputs from a successful PI planning event highlighting Feature delivery, Feature dependencies among Teams, and relevant milestones.

ART Backlog Board Overview

  • Each ART participating in the PI Session has their own ART Backlog Board which contains the planned Feature/Enabler (stickies) items for the PI

  • In a Solution Train PI session you can toggle between the different ART Backlog Boards via the top navigation.

  • The ART Backlog Board stickies are prioritized by WSJF

  • ART Backlog Board items can be assigned to Teams, and use colors to visually represent Features that are assigned (Taken) or unassigned

  • Visualize and manage the planned Features/Enablers, the team assignment, and the execution status from the ART Backlog Board

ART Backlog Board Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts

  • ART Backlog Board: 1

  • Select multiple stickies: Shift and hover over sticky notes

  • Execution Mode: ^ P

ART Backlog Board General Setting

(with no ALM sync)

Check this checkbox, if you wish to have the sticky notes (Feature/Enabler) on the ART Backlog Board automatically mirrored to the corresponding Team's Team Board when the team is assigned.

Configure Sticky Types for the ART Backlog Board

Two Sticky types - Feature and Enabler - are configured by default on the ART Backlog Board. Edit the Sticky type (Name), Color/s and Mirroring options as needed.

#5 ART Backlog Board Sticky type configuration in the RTE Cockpit.

#5 ART Backlog Board Sticky types when there is no ALM Connection

Impacts on the ART Backlog Board with an ALM sync

When using an ALM Connection (Sync) in a PI Session, there will be some additional settings for the ART Backlog Board. These are ALM Connection specific and as follows::

  • Forbid users to delete sticky notes that are synchronized with <ALM tool>

  • WSJF

Jira ALM Connection - #5 ART Backlog Board

Azure DevOps ALM Connection - #5 ART Backlog Board

Rally Software ALM Connection - #5 ART Backlog Board



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