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#1 General
Updated over a week ago
Step 1 General on the eleven step wizard for preparing a new PI session

Providing General Information

When creating a new PI session we start on the #1 General information page. You can set the following fields:

  • Give your upcoming PI session a name

    • It is important to choose a name that Users will recognize as the name appears in the web UI when logging in to direct Users to the right PI session

  • Start date of your PI

    • Typically the first date of the PI event

  • Number of Iterations

    • Iterations is the timebox for a Team (the term is derived from the XP literature). In Scrum parlance this is referred to as a Sprint. Using the Principle of Cadence and Synchronization, the Number of Iterations refers to the number of Iterations/Sprints in the larger PI timebox. Example: 5x Iterations included in the PI; 4x standard Iterations and the recommended IP Iteration = 5.

  • Duration of one Iteration in [calendar] Days

    • Example: 14 days for a standard 2x week Sprint

  • Select ALM Tool

    • After selecting the ALM Connection the system will validate the connection in realtime. If any errors you need to validate the ALM Connection in ALM Connections.

  • Confirm the deletion of stickies (checkbox)

    • Check this checkbox if you wish Users to be prompted to confirm the deletion of Sticky Notes

  • Next button will turn active after the ALM Connection is validated.

Page 1 of the PI session wizard: General

The #1 General page in the PI Session wizard

Supplementary guidance on the fields displayed on the #1 General page



Start date of your PI

The date when PI Planning will take place. Can be edited also after session is created. The date is then displayed in the PI planning app when selecting a session from session list.

Number of Iterations

Maximum number of Iterations that are configurable for a single PI session equals 12.

Duration of one Iteration in Days

Please enter the total number of calendar days per Iteration. This includes weekend days.

Based on the amount of days per Iteration, the Iteration Start and End Dates on step #11 Iterations, will be automatically populated (cascaded).

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