The URL property you will need to set up in the Jira Webhook - for the bi-directional integration - are displayed on the page in the RTE Cockpit. Under the Webhook tab on the ALM Configuration you will find the details.
The properties needed when creating the Jira - Webhook (in your Jira Software instance) are displayed on the Webhook tab in the ALM Connection
Instructions to setup the Jira WebHook
Login (or remain logged in) to your Jira instance with the System User (with the required permissions) account that was used to authenticate with
Navigate to System under Jira Settings.
Scroll down to the ADVANCED section and select WebHooks (Note: the capital H is how it displays in Jira)
Click the +Create a WebHook button
Enter a Name (an alias or friendly name of your choice) and copy+paste the URL shown in the > ALM Connections > Webhook tab in the RTE Cockpit.
Optional: Enter a Description to assist other system administrators.
For EVENTS > Issue related events, please ensure the following checkboxes are active (checked).
Click Create
Recommendation: Ignore Jira Webhooks fired by a Jira System User
Introduced in April 2024: IF you have a Jira Systems User account used for the authentication and synchronization to Jira, than we strongly recommend enabling this setting.
βWhy? The reason for using this setting is that it has helped resolve performance issues that can occur when the Jira Webhooks are triggered quicker than the Jira REST API responses.
Here is what you need to do:
Please, check the checkbox Ignore webhooks fired by sync-user
When checked, will not process any Jira Webhooks which are triggered by the Jira System User that is used to authenticate the integration.
THE END: That's all that is needed in regards to the Jira Webhook. Thank you for setting that up on your Jira Software instance. Now updates in Jira will be synchronized to so the integration is now bi-directional (real-time).
Back in the RTE Cockpit on the ALM Connection page click Save and next button to move to the Team Mapping tab.