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Connect to Jira

How you connect with Jira

Updated over 3 months ago

Create a Service User account in Jira

Not mandatory, but strongly recommended!

A Service User is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. Create a Service User (e.g. name in your Jira instance. The email address is not relevant. Make sure that the Service User does not need to login via Single Sign On if such a solution is in place.

  • When using a Service User account to configure the integration, the changes made in Jira via will then be recorded as this Service User.

  • These updates will appear in the Jira Issue > Activity > History Log, and they will be recorded as that Service User account.

  • When this happens it will be clear and obvious to any viewer reading the History Log what create, update, or delete actions were completed by vs. normal Users.

Required [Service] User Permissions in Jira

In both cases, whether using a Service User or a normal User account, keep in mind that this User needs to have the following permissions in all Jira Projects you want to synchronize with



  • DELETE_ISSUES (optional)






Connect to Jira

  1. Navigate to RTE Cockpit > ALM Connections

  2. Click Add new ALM Connection

  3. Select ALM Tool select Jira Add New ALM Connection

Field Name


Connection Name

Friendly name or alias for the connection; generally a name used internally to identify the Jira instance.

Instance URL

URL to the instance of Jira we are connecting to. Use http or https as schema.

Create an Application Link

Jira Software Cloud only supports OAuth. You will need to generate an OAuth Token go here to learn more:

In either case, connecting via OAuth or Basic Auth, we recommend creating a Service User account upfront and using this account to authenticate the integration. Please create the Service User account first and then continue.

Connect Jira using OAuth

  1. Login to your Jira instance with the Service User account. Note: Ensure this user has the right permissions as stated above.

  2. In a separate browser tab; login to as an Admin User who has also the permissions of a Jira Administrator

  3. Add a Connection Name

  4. Add the Jira Instance URL

  5. To start the OAuth dance click Connect to Jira

  6. The Setup OAuth window (see below) will pop up, follow the steps mentioned in the embedded video. Alternatively written instructions are provided here in a step-by-step guide Setup OAuth for authentication with Jira.

Reminder: The User that you are currently logged in to Jira with (recommended that to be the Service User) while setting up the OAuth connection, will be used to perform all the operations in the real-time sync between Jira and Please make sure that this User has appropriate permissions.

Setting up OAuth connection step by step

  1. Login to Jira with the [Service] User account that has the appropriate permissions

  2. 1st Step is to create an Application link:

    1. Click-path Settings > Product > [INTEGRATIONS] Application links

    2. Click Create link button

    3. The Direct application link radio button is checked by default. Enter in the Application URL* field

      Jira Software Application Link set up for OAuth.

  3. In the newly opened popup window titled Configure Application URL:

    1. Click the checkbox labeled Use this URL to make it active

    2. Click Continue

      Jira Software Application Link for OAuth.

  4. In the Review link dialogue box complete the following required fields:

    1. Application Name:

    2. IMPORTANT Click the checkbox at the bottom labeled Create incoming link

    3. Click Continue

      Jira Software Application Link setup for OAuth.

  5. ***Here the 'dance' starts, and we alternate between the Jira and RTE Cockpit browser tabs. On the new screen in Jira:

    1. Copy over the Consumer Key from the RTE Cockpit > Setup OAuth screen.

    2. The Consumer Name value can be an alias or friendly value. We suggest naming it

    3. Copy over the Public Key from the RTE Cockpit > Setup OAuth screen.

    4. Click Continue

  6. Back in the RTE Cockpit, click Authenticate

  7. A new browser tab will open to finalize the OAuth authentication in Jira. Follow the steps displayed on the Jira page:

    1. Click Allow and the page will redirect. Close that Jira browser tab.

  8. Navigate back to the RTE Cockpit

    1. Click Check & Close on the setup page in

Troubleshooting Jira Software OAuth Setup

If you see an error when you click Authenticate: Open the JavaScript Console in your browser and check for additional errors.

  • Check for an error like: "oauth_problem=signature_invalid":

  • Make sure that your Jira is properly configured in terms of its Base URL. If you use a proxy to let the access your Jira, OAuth may not work. **Contact Us.

  • The Base URL configured in Jira (System Settings) and in the <JIRA-INSTALL>/conf/server.xml file must exactly match the URL you have entered to connect to Jira in the RTE Cockpit.

  • Additional information can be found on the Atlassian help page:

Connect Jira using Basic Authentication (Basic Auth)

Note: Basic Auth is only applicable for Jira Software Server or Jira Software Datacenter Server

Prerequisites: You are logged into Jira with the recommended Service User account or a Jira User account with the appropriate permissions (above)

  1. Navigate to RTE Cockpit > ALM Connections

  2. Click Add new ALM Connection > Select ALM Tool = Jira

  3. Click the link Switch to Basic Auth

  4. Add a Connection Name

  5. Add the Jira Instance URL

  6. Add the Username and Password (preferably the Service User)

Re-Authenticate (i.e. when you want to connect with a service user)

Have you set up the Jira ALM Connection using your personal Jira User account, and now want to reauthenticate with a Jira Service User accont?

Click the button below and follow the steps in the video to re-authenticate with a new (Jira) Service User account.

Connect to a Jira instance which has an unsigned certificate installed

You can deactivate the TLS / SSL certificate check in the settings page of the ALM configuration.

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