Creating an ART
In the RTE Cockpit navigate to the Organization menu.
Click the ARTs tab
Click the Create ART button
Complete the Create ART page
Add ART admins (PI admin)
Important: You can only add users as ART admins that already have the role of a PI Admin.
Please check out the PI Admin role article for detailed guidance.
Editing an ART
TIP: The order of Team swim lanes on the ART Planning Board is configurable by changing the order of the Teams in the ART.
To change the Team order, which will then be reflected on the ART Planning Board.
Edit the ART
Under the Teams in ART tab, simply rearrange the order of the Teams by drag-n-drop.
Note: This Team swimlane order will only take affect on PI Sessions created after this change. To have this Team order take effect in a PI Session you have already started preparing, you will need to duplicate the PI Session [create a new one] so that it will inherit the new Team order on the ART Planning Board.